Some good news

I’ve been chosen as one of the BBC / AHRC New Generation Thinkers for 2023.

There’s more info here:

It’s a fierce competition with hundreds of brilliant early career academics entering every year. I was lucky to be chosen. My thanks to the judges and to some good friends, family and colleagues who have helped me see the A13 or media work in interesting new ways (I’m thinking Laura, Simon, Penny, Dad, TT and Christy).

I was on BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking yesterday talking briefly about my work alongside the other 9 NGTs. Tune in:

What it means is that I’ll get the opportunity to develop ambitious, engaging programmes related to my research. I’ll be developing a radio essay about my new work on the A13, and possibly appearing here and there over the next year.

The A13, you ask? Yes. I won’t tell you more, but take a look at the view from the top of Beckton Alps:

And that photo has a story behind too…

Last one for now: I was also on BBC Radio London’s Breakfast Show talking about the A13, the Ford women workers and equal pay back in Feb. It resulted in a few folk getting in touch, which was fantastic. If the recording goes back up again I’ll share it here.

One response to “Some good news”

  1. Hi Dan. Congratulations, this is brilliant. I’ll have a listen when I have the chance. Apologies for not being touch for so long, to be honest I crashed and burned with the PhD project at the funding level, and long story short I’ve decided to go away for a bit, and I will be working in a YHA hostel for 6 months in East Cumbria.

    All the best to yourself and your family..I look forward to work you’ll be doing in the coming year.

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